
GET v1/groups/getall/{since}

returns all group

GET v1/groups/get/{id}

returns the group for the given id

POST v1/groups/add

creates a new group

DELETE v1/groups/delete/{id}

deletes the group

POST v1/groups/update

updates an existing group


GET v1/colorschemes/getall/{since}

returns all color schemes

GET v1/colorschemes/get/{id}

returns the color scheme for given id

POST v1/colorschemes/add

adds the color scheme to database

POST v1/colorschemes/update

updates color scheme in database

DELETE v1/colorschemes/delete/{id}

deletes color scheme from database


auth docu

GET v1/auth/authenticate

check credentials


users docu

POST v1/users/add

creates a new user

POST v1/users/update

updates user properties

DELETE v1/users/delete/{id}

deletes user

GET v1/users/me

return user data for current user

GET v1/users/get/{id}

returns user data for given

GET v1/users/getall

returns a list of all users

GET v1/users/result/{id}

Returns the user properties of the user that added the result, identified by id.

GET v1/users/roles/getall

returns all available roles

GET v1/users/roles/{roleId}/users

returns a list of all users with role

GET v1/users/roles/{roleId}/grant/{userId}

grants a user to role

GET v1/users/updates/{since}

returns a list of


GET v1/results/count/{startDate}/{endDate}

returns the number of results

GET v1/results/getall/{since}/{includeNotSend}

returns all available result in specified format

GET v1/results/listall/{since}/{includeNotSend}

returns all available result in specified format

GET v1/results/listbyapp/{appId}/{since}/{includeNotSend}

returns all available result in specified format

GET v1/results/getbyapp/{appId}/{since}/{includeNotSend}

returns all results for given app id

POST v1/results/findbyapp/{appId}/{since}

returns all results for given app id

GET v1/results/get/{id}/{format}

return the given result in specified format

POST v1/results/add

add a new result

DELETE v1/results/delete/{id}

delete the result

GET v1/results/check/{id}/{position}

No documentation available.

POST v1/results/addchunked

No documentation available.


GET v1/tasks/listall

returns a list of all available tasks with id, icon, name, modified and version

GET v1/tasks/timestamp/{id}

returns timestamp of last change

GET v1/tasks/getall/{since}

returns a list of all available tasks

POST v1/tasks/add

save task to storage

GET v1/tasks/get/{id}

No documentation available.

GET v1/tasks/getidsbyreferenceid/{id}

returns a list of task ids of given referenceid.

GET v1/tasks/getbyreferenceid/{id}

returns a list of all available tasks

GET v1/tasks/users/{id}

No documentation available.

POST v1/tasks/update

No documentation available.

GET v1/tasks/recall/{id}/{users}

recalls task from user

DELETE v1/tasks/delete/{id}

No documentation available.

GET v1/tasks/publish/{id}/{users}

publish task to user

GET v1/tasks/state/get/{id}

No documentation available.

GET v1/tasks/state/update/{id}/{state}

No documentation available.

POST v1/tasks/updatemeta

No documentation available.

GET v1/tasks/history/{id}

No documentation available.

GET v1/tasks/check/{id}/{position}

No documentation available.

POST v1/tasks/addchunked

No documentation available.

POST v1/tasks/updatechunked

No documentation available.


GET v1/contracts/get

return current contract info


GET v1/mappings/getall/{since}

returns a list of all available mappings

GET v1/mappings/timestamp/{id}

returns timestamp of last change

POST v1/mappings/add

save mapping to storage

GET v1/mappings/get/{id}

returns mapping for given id

POST v1/mappings/update

updates task in storage

DELETE v1/mappings/delete/{id}

deletes mapping from storage for given id


CApps methods

GET v1/capps/gettemplate/{id}/{template}

returns a list of template capps

GET v1/capps/listtemplates/{template}

returns a list of template capps

GET v1/capps/templates/{template}

returns a list of template capps

GET v1/capps/listall

returns a list of all available capps with id, icon, name, modified and version

GET v1/capps/getall/{since}

returns a list of all available capps

POST v1/capps/add

add capp to database

GET v1/capps/get/{id}

get capp for given id

POST v1/capps/update

updates capp in database and all users

DELETE v1/capps/delete/{id}

deletes app from storage and all users

GET v1/capps/timestamp/{id}

returns timestamp of last change

GET v1/capps/recall/{id}/{users}

recalls capp from user

POST v1/capps/rrecall/{id}

recalls capp from user

GET v1/capps/publish/{id}/{users}

publish capp to user

POST v1/capps/ppublish/{id}

publish capp to user

GET v1/capps/history/{id}

returns a list of historie entries

GET v1/capps/users/{id}

returns a list of user ids

GET v1/capps/reports/getall/{id}

returns a list of all result report defintions for capp

GET v1/capps/reports/get/{id}

return result report defintion

POST v1/capps/reports/add

add report definition to storage

POST v1/capps/reports/update

updates report definition in storage

DELETE v1/capps/reports/delete/{id}

deletes report defintion from storage


GET v1/datalists/templates/{template}

returns a list of template datalists

GET v1/datalists/getall/{since}

returns a list of all datalists

GET v1/datalists/timestamp/{id}

returns timestamp of last change

GET v1/datalists/get/{id}

return datalists for given id

POST v1/datalists/add

saves datalist to database

POST v1/datalists/update

updates datalist in database

DELETE v1/datalists/delete/{id}

deletes datalists from database


GET v1/accounts/activate/{code}

No documentation available.

POST v1/accounts/registerorder

registers a new account with given product. billing runs on activation.

POST v1/accounts/registerfull

registers new account and returns ok (200) on success

POST v1/accounts/register

registers new account and returns ok (200) on success

POST v1/accounts/update

No documentation available.

GET v1/accounts/get

No documentation available.


POST appfactory/Resources/Add

returns id of created resource

POST appfactory/Resources/Update/{id}

updates the resource

GET appfactory/Resources/Get/{id}

No documentation available.

DELETE appfactory/Resources/Delete/{id}

No documentation available.